The M^3
OK now, this is a project I did a while ago, but since some people have asked for pictures, here they are.The M^3 is quite the performer and it is available from AMB Laboratories. It was actually the first "bigger" electronic project I engaged in. It has served me since 2007 and never let me down! On to the pictures...
It consists of:
Sennheiser HD600 headphones (not modified)
M^3 Head Amp with external power supply
Creative Soundblaster X-FI Fatal1ty (Modified)
You might notice something underneath the LED and just to feed your curiosity that is what happens when you drill a hole for the LED only to find out there is not enough space because of the toroid!
I hope this satisfies those of you with an interest in the M^3 head amp. If you wan't more, head over to see a much nicer (and much more expensive) version I made for a friend.